Considerations When Selecting Your Kitchen Tile

Go into any tile store or search for kitchen tile online and the choices can seem endless and overwhelming. The factors outlined here may help you on your journey to choose great tile for your project by breaking down the decision into smaller pieces.

Things fall on the floor

The kitchen is where you cook food and some of that food inevitably ends up on the floor which means that your kitchen floor is susceptible to stains. Different tile colors and materials have differing abilities to resist stains. Typically lighter colors will show stains more than darker colors.

Camouflage your grout

While new grout looks crisp and pristine, you should consider what your grout will look like after several years and heavy wear. Grout wears away over time, especially if it comes into frequent contact with water and may need to eventually be replaced. If you use white grout, over time it can darken with age, so it is a good idea to choose a grout color that complements your tile.

Consider the finish

One factor to consider is whether a particular finish will become slippery when wet. Also, different tile finishes have different durabilities. Glazed tiles are popular, but they can become damaged with nicks or scratches if hard objects are dropped on or moved across them.

Match the size of the tile to the size of the kitchen

More a rule of thumb than a hard and fast rule, the size of your tile should complement rather than compete with the size of your kitchen. Large tiles can overwhelm a small kitchen, while a vast expanse of small tile in a large kitchen can look too busy.

Tile is just one part of the kitchen

While your kitchen tile can be an important focal point in your kitchen, ultimately it will probably look best if it integrates into the overall look of the kitchen.